Bencal Loft Dove Facts

What is Shipping for Self Release?
What about weather conditions?
Release Times
Can I buy doves and do my own release?
Rock Doves vs Ring Neck Doves

What is Shipping for Self Release?
Self release is the term for a release company shipping birds to or delivering birds to the client or client's event and leaving the release up to the event participants. Many release companies do not offer self releases as they consider the birds to be a valuable asset with the bird's care and safety a high priority. Although clients also desire the best for these birds they generally do not have the training and knowledge to care for birds. The release professional, when on site, can also lend advice that will help to create the best release experience for the client.

What about weather conditions?
White doves are not able to be released in heavy rain, fog, very high winds or other inclement weather conditions. The birds must be able to fly, orient and make their journey homeward. In general, release companies will refund all or most of a client's deposit if weather makes a release not possible and must be cancelled.

Release times
Most releases companies will contract with time constraints so that their birds are released in time to fly the distance between the event and home before sunset. The time will vary depending on the distance and weather. Although the birds will not generally be harmed by staying out over night, many companies prefer to set times so that the birds arrive home on the release day. Releases too near sunset can make it difficult for birds to orient and start their journey or find a safe stopping spot before sunset. For a bird, in the air or in it's loft, is the safe place to be. If possible, plan your event at least few hours before sunset. Check with your release professional to determine what time allowance will be required.

Can I buy doves and do my own release?
A dove release professional invests many hours of work and the expense of housing, feed and equipment in order to raise and train rock doves for releases. These birds receive good care and are physically ready for flying the distances required to return to this healthy and safe environment. The result is very humane treatment of these birds. If birds are released without the benefit of a proper home to return to then their destiny is uncertain. The professional with well trained birds and release knowledge will make your event a memorable experience.

Rock Doves vs Ring Neck Doves
A size comparison of a rock dove (larger) versus a ringneck dove (smaller)

Rock dove and ringneck dove

The rock dove, also known as a homing pigeon, is the bird that professional release companies use in their releases. These birds have a strong homing instinct and with proper training have the strength to fly many miles from an event to their home.

The white ringneck dove, on the other hand, does not possess the homing instinct required in locating and returning to their home. These birds are not strong flyers and cannot be trained and conditioned for event releases as they are not capable of flying distances required. Ringneck doves, that have been raised in captivity and released, do not have a very good chance of survival on their own.

Ringnecks may be used in caged displays but should not be used in a release.

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